I promised myself I would blog for one year to show Mia's journey from China into my heart. To say the year has been full of unexpected changes is an understatement. But changes can be good and in the case of my Mia Jing Jing it is truly the case.
Mia continues to amaze me everyday. Her ability to adapt, learn and especially love with such a big heart humbles me. She is an incredibly special child and I thank God for her everyday.
Mia is doing fantastic and it feels like she has been with me since birth. As a mother who was lucky enough to have both a biological child as well as one adopted from China I can tell you there is NO difference than if I would have given birth to her. My heart will always have both a special place and a longing sorrow for her mother who had to part with this incredibly amazing child.
Mia continues to love to dance, play dress up, play with her friends from school and her brother Logan (although they act like brother and sister more and more everyday they love each other so much and are always loving on each other and playing), draw, color and pretty much any art project. She also love to sing and play tea party with all her dolls and barbies. She eats many many things now and is always willing to give new food a try. She loves bath time and gives the biggest best hug ever. She is a fashionista and can rock a pair of heals like a pro (just like her mama :) - I could not be more proud!!!) She is always telling me how beautiful and wonderful I am and how happy she is that I came to get her from China. She is very interested in anything we talk about regarding China. I think she is very proud that she is from China and I hope this is something I can continue to foster and do justice to.
Mia only has good memories of being in the orphanage from China which delights me greatly. I knew she was loved greatly there. They told me she was the favorite and I can see why. That said, I believe their love for her has allowed her to feel safe and given her the ability to love with such an open heart.
I know adoption is not for everyone. That said, if you feel God calling you or pulling on your heartstrings....PRAY, PRAY, PRAY and ANSWER THE CALLING! For me, it was the only calling I have ever heard loud and clear from God. At times I was frustrated with the process (which is why I stopped praying for patience...I was not liking how he was teaching me :) and the 5 year wait was torturous. That said, knowing that he had Mia already picked out for me it all makes sense and I would not change a thing. The rewards have been unbelievable and this child not only brings me incredible joy but also brightens my life every day. If you ever have any questions about adoption or would like to talk to me, I am always happy to share my experience and the knowledge I have gained along the way. Additionally so many people write off toddlers and older children in adoption for many reasons but mostly because they feel like they will have "issues". If I would have bought into everything I read or what some people (who had not adopted a toddler/older child and even some who had) it would have scared me FAR away. It is only by faith and prayer that I was able to stay the 5 year course. Toddler/older child adoption can be AMAZING and Mia is living proof of that.
I am going to end this blog by saying. this. I pray everyday that I can do justice to this amazing gift named Mia who God has so gracefully given to me. Thank you all for your wonderful support and sweet comments. I hope you have enjoyed the story of Mia's first year as my little princess.
Love and Blessings!
P.S. Please enjoy some pictures of her first year here! :)
The phone call I waited 5 years for! |
Mia's take in photo and our first picture of her |
Referral Photo |
The first time we see each other in China. |
Big smiles by the second night with me! |
Her first flight |
Out on the car ride home from the airport. |
First morning home....Christmas morning! :) |
Gottcha Day Necklace |
Gottcha Day Kisses! |
Oh my goodness, she's just the most precious little pumpkin and Logan is such an amazing big brother. You are so, so blessed with these precious kids and such an amazing person and mother. Thank you so much for sharing this year with us.