This month has been nothing short of a whirlwind! We have done so much. So many summer activities. Swimming, playing with friends, concerts, road trips, rock climbing walls, sleep overs at the grandparents, fireworks. You name it and we have done it! :)
Mia is LOVING to dress up all day. From the minute she walks in the door, she begs to put on a "princess dress" and her "dancing shoes". She is ALL girl when it comes to dressing up. Once she is all dressed up it is on to playing with her barbies. She cannot get enough of her Barbies. It cracks me up (especially since I was so disenchanted with my Barbies that I gave them away when I was little). Anyway, it gives my soul much joy to see all her girly things around the house.
On July 15th we celebrated a very special day. It was the year anniversary since getting Mia's referral and meeting our sweet girl on paper and getting to see her face in pictures for the first time. When I look at these pictures I do not even see the little girl who captured my heart. In the first picture (which is called her take in photo and most likely taken hours after she was found) I see a very scared, sad, and stoic face. This is so much different than the joy and zest for life I see when I look in her eyes today. On the next 3 it does not even look like Mia! She has so many layers of clothing on she almost looks chubby and even her face does not look like Mia to me. We will blame it on the poor quality of the photos. :)
Food is getting a bit easier with Mia. She seems to be trying more things and liking a bit more. That said, I would still classify her as a VERY picky eater. This is something I will continue to have to work on patience with.
Logan and Mia are definitely settling into the role of brother and sister. They still get along WONDERFULLY and we are really lucky that they both love each other so much. That said, we have discovered that sweet Mia has a very big competitive streak and so does Logan. This has proven to be a bit of a challenge. Everything is a competition and it can be REALLY annoying! Mia has also started to tattle on Logan. Of course Logan is not a huge fan of this especially when he really is not doing anything wrong. I have heard this is just girls but I have really worked hard to nip this one in the bud. I have let both of them know they MUST work things out on their own unless there is blood involved (and if they kept it up) mama will be VERY GROUCHY and nothing ends well when mama is grouchy! :) It seems to be working so CROSS YOUR FINGERS! Every night they ask to have a slumber party in each others rooms. It is very cute. They both have great beds however they choose to sleep on the floor on a sleeping bag so they can sleep next to one another. I dread when school starts again and I have to break up the party but there are always weekends. :)
This month Mia got to see her first fireworks. She liked them and told us that she wishes she were in them. Hmmmmm..... We explained to her it would be hot and ouchy but she did not care. She wanted to go up in the sky and poof! Um...okay! :)
We also went to one of Mike and my favorite places, the climbing gym in Indy. The name is Climb Time if you are interested. Mia did pretty good for her first time. She was a bit scared a couple of times but she kept wanting to try again so we are proud. Logan did great! It started out shaky and I know I sounded like a crazy mom when he was SCREAMING to let him down and that the rope was going to break and I kept telling him to dig deep and it was all mind over matter and to get up the wall. After several tries of psyching himself out he totally got up the wall and felt amazing about himself. That was it, Logan is now officially hooked just like Mike and I! :)
We also took the kids to their first official concert in Indy. It was Florence and the Machine. First of all, if you have not heard of this band, you need to stop reading my blog and go check them out immediately. Here is a link where you can listen/check them out /buy them on Amazon. Anyway, they are AMAZING! The way she floated around the stage like a little fairy and her voice - OMG and SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! Her voice was more incredible in concert than on her CD's - which is saying A LOT. I was already a true fan but I am now a forever fan for life! Mia kept calling her Belle (yes Disney Belle) because she had this AMAZING yellow flowing dress on. That and her singing....makes sense to me, not to mention she is stunningly beautiful! :) So needless to say, the concert was wonderful. Mia and I danced and she did my hair in different hair styles over and over until she finally fell asleep. Logan barely left Mike but danced and rocked out with the best of them. It was super fun to see him enjoy it so much. He is growing up so fast.
This life is truly a journey. It is not always easy, comfortable or perfect but in the end, I welcome the journey and all that God has in store for me and my family.
Until next time....God Bless!
One of her forth of july outfits! Thanks Grandma Krisher. |
Playing dress up as Captain Hook at our neighbors house. Notice the pink
high heels. Hook meets princess. Priceless! :) |
Always ready for a pose and wanting her picture taken. :) |
Mia was done swimming and wanted to get dressed but could not help but get
back in the pool. She did not want to get her dress wet so we tucked it into her
lollies. Super cute! :) |
On the way to Indy for the weekend! |
Logan ready for the trip! |
My cute view! |
And....she is out! :) |
Chillin.... |
Standing at the window in our hotel. We had a great view of the city! |
Daddy helping his little princess climb the wall! |
Just doing it! :) |
Dad and his two little cuties |
Yep! I love, love, love to climb! :) |
Again, my cute climbing view.... :) |
SOOOOOOOOOO Proud of this boy! LOVE HIM! |
A much better climber than me. |
Me and my little loves! |
At the Florence and the Machine Concert |
Handsome Boys |
Yep, she is out again...... |
New friends! |
Me at one of our fav places in Indy. A Spanish restaurant called Barcelona. Do not
be fooled, that is wine in the glass. It just LOOKS like a beer. Sorry. :) |
Grandpa and some cherry pie - at Logan's baseball game. Talk about
all American summers! :) |
Proud of her brother! She was SOOOO good during all his games! :) |
Helping mama make cinnamon rolls! |
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