As many of you know, each month we sent Mia a care package while we were awaiting our travel clearance to go get her. In each of the packages we sent a couple of disposable cameras. In totally they received about 7. When we got Mia, they gave us 2. Most of them are taken right before she left the orphanage. I can tell by the cut next to her eye. She had that when we first met her.
There really are no good pictures per say, but they are priceless to me. As some of you know, we were contemplating a trip to Mia's orphanage while we were in her province. That said, the orphanage was 3 hours away by car. That meant we would be in the car at least 6 hours with a little one we just met which did not sound like fun. On top of the drive, we were concerned with how she would feel going back and having to leave all her nannies and friends again. We were leaning against it but when we found out she had severe car sickness (according to her nannies) the choice was made for us. That said, these pictures are all I have of her life before she officially became a Krisher.
A note on the car sickness thing. I think it was nerves and not car sickness at all. She got REALLY quiet every time we got in a car and I think it was because she was afraid that we were going to leave her or that she would be taken away again. The more we were in a car together the less upset she would get and in turn, not get sick. By day 3 there was no more "incidents" but we still carried a bag with us just in case.
In the pictures below, you will see her friend Jhan, Jhan. I think Jhan, Jhan and her were BFF's in the orphanage. They were also adopted at the same time. JJ is now living in Virgina with her new forever family. If we look at the pictures with Mia, she gets excited and will talk and talk and talk about them. I am starting to understand a little of what she is saying about them, but wish I could understand everything. She does not get sad when she looks at them which both delights and amazes me since she was in such pain and agony crying out for her nanny and friends the first couple of days and especially in the middle of the night while she was sleeping.
I will post another "progress post" soon but all is well and good and we are SOOOOOO enjoying our little diva princess and all the joy she is bringing to our lives! :)
Enjoy the pictures....
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