Adding 1 Chinese Sister: Our First Week Home...    

Isaiah 43:4

Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our First Week Home...

Mia's adjustment continues to amaze us.  Everyday she is doing better and better.  Food still continues to be a challenge for her.  I sympathize with her because I really do remember what it was like in China when I just did not like anything that was put in front of me.  We did find out she liked ice cream cones although she did not know how to eat the cone.  Once I showed her, she had it down and the amazing thing is she did not drip a drop on her.  She is so particular and neat!  WHOOOOOOOOO!  I really hope we do not ruin her.  ;)

She is still sleeping in our room (on a toddler bed) and "waking up" several times in the middle of the night but she just tosses and turns, whines a bit, and goes back to sleep really quick.  I cannot help but wonder what she is dreaming about.  You can tell by her face she is really processing some heavy things.  She also talks in her sleep sometimes and it sounds pretty intense.  Sometimes she sounds like she is telling someone off.  I can only imagine what is going through her head right now.

Logan and Mia are also continuing to do great!  Logan is so nurturing and loving toward Mia.  I am so proud of him I could burst.  That said, Logan did tell me yesterday that he felt like Mia was getting all the attention.  I knew that day was going to come.  I am kinda bummed because I have been trying so hard to make him feel special.  I am sure it is tough going from being the only child to "insta" brother to a 4 year old little girl who speaks Mandarin.  And, the truth is, she IS getting a lot of attention but so is he.  Logan and I sat down and talked about it and he seems to totally understand, I just think he is going to have some tough moments.  I was a middle child (and Logan is so much like me) so I totally understand how he is feeling.

Separation is something we are continuing to work on with Mia.  When Logan went to play at a friends for an hour the other day, she absolutely lost it.  She cried, and cried Logan's name while standing at the window and looking for him.  She did not want to be comforted or distracted (although we tried).  After about 40 minutes we called Logan and when she heard his voice she stopped crying...until we hung up of course.  Logan being the great big brother came home for her.  I cannot blame her.  She has had so many people she loved just walk out the door and never come back.  It was not just her parents, it was also her nannies (who she loved dearly) and many friends who were adopted.  She is okay if she leaves with Mike or myself and telling the other one bye, but if she is the one being left it is not a good thing.  My parents stopped by yesterday to pick her up for a quick hour play date at their house and she had no problems telling us goodbye and going with them.  Apparently she was an angel so that is a relief.  Yesterday, I got my coat and shoes on and told her bye-bye.  She said, no, no, no.  I told her I needed to go bye-bye and that I would be right back.  I was only going to the mail box but wanted her to know that I will leave and come back.  Getting the mail seemed to be a good place to start with that lesson.  While she watched me leave and looked like she was going to cry, she did not.  Small baby steps!  We are getting there.

We have not had to use the time out chair for 2 days!  She is so agreeable and should she start to have a moment with attitude or telling us how it is going to be we just ask her if she wants to go to time out.  She shakes her head no and does whatever it is we need her to do.  I (and Mike) have always been a big believer in kids having boundaries.  We believe kids are much happier when they know what is expected of them and can predict the consequence should they make a bad choice.  I knew we would use time out with her but I did not know we would introduce it so soon.  I also did not know if she would respond to it the way Logan did.  We do use it different with her because she is adopted.  When we would put Logan in time out we would walk away and ignore him until the time out was over.  With Mia, and because being abandoned again is such a fear of hers (the nannies said that the only thing that scared Mia was being alone) we sit next to her but still do not talk or look at her.  Anyway, time out is definitely the thing that works for Mia.  Again, WHOOOOO for the time out chair.

She continues to be SUCH a joy playing with all her girly things and us experiencing all of her "firsts".  She cracks me up all the time.  She also warms my heart with her kisses and hugs and is now saying "I love you too Mama".  MELT!!!  Hearing her little footsteps as she runs here and there is so sweet.  The way she says "hello kitty" to our cat Alexi is too cute.  I just love, love, love this little girl.  

Mike and I are still a bit tired but nothing too major.  I am SO grateful for not getting sick either while we were in China or when we came home.  SO MANY people that I have followed over the years during their trips to China make coming home and getting on a new schedule as well as the adjustment period for the kids sound like a total nightmare.  I am happy to report it has been pretty good for us!  :)  Now it is time to start to introduce Mia to all our friends!  :)

That's all for now.

Happy New Year to all of you and God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you are updating us as I'm thinking of you guys like crazy, but of course know you have so much going on, so I don't want to bother you.

    BTW, if she wants to "meet" her future friends Miles and Jocelyn, you can show her our Christmas video, if you want. (It's a little dark in the beginning, but it gets better.) Miles is just a few months younger than her, so she might enjoy seeing him.

    Can't wait to meet her, but all in due time. : )

    PS Your photos look fantastic!!!

    PPS I'm so proud of Logan too! He's SUCH an amazing little guy!!!!
