Adding 1 Chinese Sister: January 2011 - Seriously? Ugh!    

Isaiah 43:4

Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.

Monday, November 1, 2010

January 2011 - Seriously? Ugh!

We got an update from our adoption agency regarding our expected travel.  It appears that we are not going to make the December travel cut off (no one is allowed to travel to China for adoption after Dec. 9th - according to our agency).  That means we will most likely travel January 6th - 20th.  People keep asking me if I am bummed?  YES!  Of course I am bummed and you can add a grouchy on to that as well!  I have waited so long to meet Mia and I literally feel like I am going to crawl out of my skin if I have to wait any longer.  These last few months have been A LOT harder than I thought they would (and I knew they were going to be rough).  It is very difficult to think that paperwork is what is keeping me away from my little girl for six months since our referral (which is how long it will be if we travel in January).

On to a brighter note, this is how the travel schedule will break down.  We will spend the first 2 nights in Beijing and then go to Mia's province where they will bring her to our hotel room on the 3rd day.  We will stay in her province for another day or so and then go down to Guangzhou where we will stay until all the paperwork, doctors appts. etc, are all finished up and the adoption is finalized.  We are told the weather in Beijing that time of year is like Chicago would be here in the US.  I am all about seeing the Great Wall of China and Tiananmen Square (we are required to visit both) but NOT with weather like January in Chicago.  GOODNESS!!!  Ugh.  The province where Mia is now seems to be a lot like it would be in North or South Carolina, that I can handle.  Where we spend most of our time is in Guangzhou, and we are told the weather there is like Miami!  WHOOOOOOOOOO!  I can REALLY handle that!  :) 

The really hard thing is, we found out the inner country travel in China is way more strict with their luggage restrictions.  That said, I am only allowed to check one bag and it can only be 40lbs.  That means I have to pack for weather in 3 climates, meeting a new child, all the medicine they recommend bringing, gifts for the nannies and adoption officials and I have to do that in one bag weighing 40lbs?  Um, yeah right!  HA!  Not sure how that is going to happen, but I am sure I will figure it all out.

The other fun bit of news is that if we travel the dates above, we will be celebrating Mike's birthday in China!  That should be a lot of fun.  :)

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