While I am so happy for her and know that birthdays are so exciting for kids, I must say I am really sad I could not be there to bake her cake, sing to her, see her blow out her candles, watch her open her presents, and give her hugs and kisses. Knowing you have a little one half way across the world that you are so desperate to meet and bring home with you can definitely be tough, especially when there are special things like birthdays to celebrate.
On a happier note, as you know, we were able to send Mia a care package with some presents (see earlier post if you missed them) and a local bakery was able to deliver a birthday cake for her. Even more fun, the orphanage took some pictures of Mia and her cake (which looks super yummy)! Still no pictures of her smiling with teeth! :) I hope you enjoy the new pictures as much as we have.
Happy Birthday Sweet Mia!

Hey, I just wanted to let you know how excited I am for you guys. We didn't really get to talk much on turkey day but I want you guys to know that we (as in Tadd, me and the kids) are really happy that this is FINALLY happening for you guys and we cannot wait to meet her.. when she is ready. I didn't know if maybe you guys were stressed or were just not wanting to make it the focus but I think this is a big deal and the fact that you have waited this long just shows how important it is for you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you on your journey and if you need anything from us, please do not hesitate.
Leslie and family