Adding 1 Chinese Sister: I wonder....    

Isaiah 43:4

Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I wonder....

As I sit here in the Chicago airport, I find my mind wandering home to my family and the daughter I long to hold in my arms, Chloe Bella.  I cannot help but wonder what she is doing at this moment in time.  I wonder if she will ever know how completely in love with her I am even before seeing her face or holding her in my arms.  I wonder if she has a big personality like mine or if she is more thoughtful like Michael.  I wonder if she will be a girly girl or if she will want nothing to do with dresses or ribbons in her hair.  I wonder if she will love baby dolls or digging for worms  and hunting for toads, or both like me.  I wonder how many friends she has seen come and go (meaning adopted by other families) already in her short life.  I wonder if I will ever be able to be the mother she deserves.  I wonder if I will be able to comfort her when she cries in the beginning or if I too will be unfamiliar and scary.  I wonder if she will adore Logan right away or if that relationship will develop over time.  I wonder, I wonder, I wonder.

The wait this last month seems to be longer than the entire last 5 years I/we have been waiting.  I am crazy busy at work and you would think that would distract me, but I find myself tearing up all the time with the thoughts of finally seeing her face, holding her in my arms, and being able to welcome her into our family.  I look forward to all the "firsts" that we are going to experience with her.  I praise God for opening my heart to this child and giving me the strength (although all of you who know me know that I often questioned him and his timing/method...questioned...ha, that is kinda funny, more like swearing and telling him how wrong he was) to hold on, trust and wait for my sweet Chloe.


  1. Will be praying for safe travels for you guys, adjustment for you and your new baby, and travels back to the States. Friends of mine just got back from Africa doing the same and being blessed with a daughter. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh you are so precious and have the biggest heart. Love and peace to you as you walk this journey.


