Today marks day 62 since getting our sweet Mia.
I had to go out of town this week on business. As you all know, I love, love, love my job and it is a big part of me. That said, I was pretty worried about leaving Mia and was nervous for Mike if she started to cry and wondered where I was. Her and I are pretty much attached at the hip. I started telling her I had to go on an airplane but that I would come back in a couple of days (just like I always do). She seemed to be okay with the idea and even waved goodbye to me with NO TEARS at the airport even after she saw my luggage. We are seriously making progress here people! :) So, she did not have any tears, but I did. :( We Skyped and she would talk to me, tell me she loved me and then say, bye-bye mama, I love you. Again, she was fine but it was really hard for me. Mike said it was a bit more work with two but they all did pretty good. He is such a great dad. I do not know what I would do with out him.
Mia is still loving watermelon and is now enjoying strawberries as well. Rice and noodles are still the most requested mealtime items. I think food is going to continue to be a long term struggle for the sweet girl.
Sleep is going well although she lays in her bed for so long before she actually goes to sleep and that is even without a daily nap. We would love her to go to sleep earlier but know it will all fall in place in good time.
Because she is staying up so late and then sleeping in so late in the morning, we have not been doing daycare on a consistent basis. I would just wake her up but honestly, I have never seen anyone so grouchy in the morning if you wake them up. She is a holy terror. When she gets up herself she is lovely. Life is all about choices. I am choosing to have a sweet girl all day instead forcing the daycare issue. That said, we are going to have to figure something out soon because I really think once she gets used to it, she will love being with the kids and all the daily activities.
Mia LOVES singing! She enjoys making up all sorts of songs and keeps singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star this week. It is super cute and I love all of her little Mia versions. :)
Mia is speaking English more and more everyday. We have run into a few people who speak Mandarin and they try to talk to her but she will not talk back to them. She MAY shake her head yes or no, but that is only if they are lucky. She is pretty reserved when you first meet her so I am sure that is why, but I SOOOOOOO would love to hear her have a conversation with someone in Mandarin again. I just think the language and hearing it would be so comforting to her. Truth be told, when I was in the airport this week and heard the announcements being spoke in Mandarin, I got a smile on my face. I have really started to love the language. I SOOOOOOOO wish I could learn it - more than my broken Chinglish. :)
Logan is continuing to amaze me as a big brother. I sincerely could not be more proud of him. He is so kind, patient and loving with his sister. She is usually just as sweet back but not always! :) That said she just loves him to read to her and they play non-stop. I keep wondering when the sibling bliss will disappear. Could this really be it? Could they really be this close and sweet forever? I am not holding my breath, but I am starting to feel like maybe, just maybe....
Last, but a very, very special part of last week was that Mia was baptized last Sunday. Her and her cousin Jordan were both baptized at the same time so it makes it doubly special. I cannot even begin to put into words how it feels to have gone through this journey and to think back at all the times I questioned and doubted. I almost feel foolish. God has truly hand picked this sweet girl to complete our family. I am so blessed to have her in my life and will be forever changed.
Below are some pictures from the week. Enjoy! :)
Lights of my life! :) |
Mia LOVING Logan reading to her. |
Mia loving on Logan...cannot blame the girl. He is super amazing! :) |
First Cupcake...My brother's 40th Birthday Party |
Those eyes just kill me. LOVE HER! |
Mia's Baptism - This is also where I went to school k-8th grade. |
Always so comfy with her Dad aka Baba. |
I baptize you in the name of.... |
Uh oh....where is Logan? Mia is so proud of her baptism candle |
God Bless Mia! :) |
Loving her Grandpa - ME TOO MIA! ;) He is THE BESTEST! |
Grandma and Grandpa! |
Mmmmmmmmm Cake. She would not eat the chocolate cake because that had Jordan's name on it. She would only eat the vanilla because that was HERS! :) |
See food anyone? :) |
So many beautiful presents. Thank you everyone! |
Our Princess! |